Im Software Download Bereich steht seit heute die Version 10.2.9 für Kunden mit aktiver Live Security zur Verfügung. Die Release Notes geben Aufschluss über Bugfix und neue Features:
Server Load Balancing (SLB) and VPN
- A Firebox configured for server load balancing no longer stops sending traffic to a healthy server because of quick continuous requests, a missing route to a dead server, or interference from other SLB policies [35761]
- A Firebox configured for server load balancing now considers a server as active as soon as it can set up a connection with the server, instead of waiting for three successful tries. [35550]
- A problem that caused an IKED runtime crash with a pstack call "trace EIP:e045684d" is fixed. [32966, 36424]
- The Mobile VPN with SSL client can now resolve host names on an internal DNS server. [28120]
- If you have configured two DNS or WINS servers, both IP addresses are now assigned correctly to Mobile VPN clients (IPSec and PPTP). [12575, 33904]
- A problem that caused an error "HTTP response code: 500 for URL: https://x.x.x.x:4117/cmm/cmd" when you saved a configuration in which Mobile VPN with SSL is enabled has been fixed. [28105]
High Availability
- The primary HA Firebox no longer stays in the "in-transition" state indefinitely after you do an HA sync operation just after you save your configuration. [36033]
- HA sync now completes successfully when two HA ports are used. [30207]
- You can now use WSM to quickly create successive tunnels on Fireboxes in an HA pair and not lose management access. [36007]
- VRRP logging messages no longer show in the log file unless the appropriate log level has been set. [35763]
Single Sign On
- You can now install the SSO client on Windows Vista. [35869]
- When you enable SSO, you can now obtain group information even if the SSO agent is not installed on the Domain Controller. [36043]
- When you install the SSO client on Vista, you can now see the build number. [36289]
- SSO client and agent communication is now more reliable and several timeout issues have been resolved. [35199, 35200]
- SSO now ignores group names exceeding 32 characters and continues to process other group names. It no longer returns a "domain name str too log" error. [35988]
WSM Management
- WSM no longer displays a device as "Pending" when it is not. [36080]
- WSM can now handle different devices with identical IP addresses. It no longer shows a "Maintenance Alert" warning for these devices. [36068]
- LogViewer can now display SMTP and POP3 log messages whose headers are encoded in ISO-2022-JP. [33460]
- Firebox System Manager and Policy Manager now show and error that says "Invalid login/password" instead of "No SID" when users enter the wrong password when downloading a configuration, downloading a feature key, or during a system backup. [36959]
- Service Watch can now reliably connect to the Firebox when there are a large number of policies. [37142]
- The Application Blocking feature now blocks the most recent versions of Yahoo! Messenger. [36268]
- The Firebox now supports more than 1000 FTP proxy connections. [35998]
Labels: Fireware, Fireware Pro, Update, WSM, X Core, X Peak